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06.03.2017, 12:40


Bakerstown is what people would call the perfect town in the middle of Georgia.
Everyone knows everybody and people like and respect each other.

The heart of the town is the highschool basketball team called the grizzlys, lead by towns heartbreaker number one, Jackson Keyler.

But when he is brutally murdered during the summer vacations, four friends decide to investigate on their own and reveal all the hidden secrets behind the walls.

And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Piuma« (06.03.2017, 19:40)


06.03.2017, 18:29

Ava & Stella

Name: Ava Wellington
Age: 17
Character: Ava is a young girl that takes what life offers her without questioning it. She knows about her look and the way she appeals to people.
That doesn't change the fact the she is one of the nices people ever and would do anything to help her friends whenever they are in trouble.
Her parents own a diner where her and her friends always hang out.

Name: Stella Bower
Age: 17
Character: Stella is Ava's best friend and like her, part of the cheerleading suqad, even though she just does it for Ava.
In her free time Stella likes to read a lot and spends time with her friends.
She's one of the smartest people in town and tries to befriend everyone and everybody.
Jackson once hit on her but Stella didn't go for it, which made her a bullying victim of Jackson for two weeks.
The purpose of life is to be happy.


06.03.2017, 20:15

Tanner & Zack

Name: Tanner Merrick
Age: 18
About him: Tanner is the oldest of the four friends and a real sports crack. He is a member of the 'Bakersfield Grizzlys' and part of the local martial arts club. His friends can always count on him, he'll never turn his back on them. Sometimes he's a little confused around girls, not knowing about his own handsome appearance. His father is a total control freak, always pushing his son across his borders, since his wife died in an car accident.

Name: Zachariah 'Zack' Carter
Age: 17
About him: With his infectious fun-loving nature, Zack belongs to the most wanted boys at school and he knows about it. Nothing in this world could bring him down. He's got a little crush on Stella, but would never admit it. He belongs to a well funded family. His parents are always on business trips, so he's often left on his own, but it doesn't bothers him much.

And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Piuma« (23.04.2017, 22:07)


06.03.2017, 20:25

Jackson's murder is something that probably will never be forgotten.
But how could it, his murderer is still out there somewhere, thinking what he did was right.
It happend 6 weeks ago but it feels like it was yesterday.
Holidays are over now and we have to face the reality now and that means going back to normal.
"Mom? I'm out. See you later.", I yell upstairs before I grab my bag and make my way over to Tanner's house so I can pick him up for school.
"Come on Merrick, don't let me wait forever.", I sigh while leaning against the fence and looking at his door, waiting for him to come out.

New Year, New Chances.
That's what it was supposed to be.
But ever since this summer, eveything will be changed forever.
Jackson's murder will haunt all of us for a long time and all we can do is to live with it.
And that's what I am going to do this year.
Whatever happend, happend and I will not be scared by anything this year.
At least, that's what I am trying to tell myself while I walk to school to meet up with my friends.
The purpose of life is to be happy.


06.03.2017, 21:13

Finally the big day arrived.
The first day of school, after Jackson Keylers unsolved case.
I actually don't really know how to feel about it, i mean, he was part of the team, our leader. A good friend. Things will definitely be different now. A deep sigh and an ever deeper breath. Ava is waiting outside, i'm sure she won't be late on the first day.
I walk over to her, a big smile on my face.
"Good morning."

I don't know why it had to be this day. I really don't know why. The first day of school and i overslept. I'm taking a shower as fast as i can and get dressed even faster. A short sight in the mirror, i'm looking okay. I'm leaving the house without a word, so there is no one at home i could talk to.
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


08.03.2017, 13:44

"Good morning? Haven't seen you in four weeks, give me a hug.", I smile at Tanner when he comes down the porch and pull him into a giant hug before I let go of him and look up to him.
"So, how was your first summer without your mom?", I carefully asks as we walk to school together.
Truth is, I had a crush on Tanner for six month until I finally accepted that we probably will never get together and moved on.

As I reach school I realize I am the first one to arrive again and take a seat at our usual spot while I wait for the others.
A lot of kids gather around in their usual groups and everyone tries to avoid the one subject, that everyone is talking about.
Just before my mind could go back to him I spot Zach coming over to me and put on a huge grin.
"Let me guess, you overslept?"
The purpose of life is to be happy.


08.03.2017, 14:04

As is arrive, the school yard is already full of students, who gather around in little groups.
They talk about their holidays and one or two are whispering about Jackson, trying to figure out what happened to him. I can't do anything, but sigh. Suddenly i recognize Stella, sitting on a bench, our usual spot.
"Haha..yeah.. you got me..", i answer to her question and give her a big, tight hug.
"You look great..", i note, as i release her.

I do what she asks me to and give her a huge hug.
Then she's starting a subject, i didn't wanted to talk about.
"Well.. it was kinda strange.. you know? I mean.. oh i don't know.. Let's talk about YOUR summer. Met a nice boy?", a silly try to avoid from details.
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


08.03.2017, 14:10

"Well there were a lot of nice boys in Miami, but nothing is as good as being home again.", I smile over to Tanner an get, why he doesn't want to talk about it.
First his mother dies in a car accident and then Jackson get's killed.
That's a lot to deal with within a few month.
"It's gonna be weird though, right? At school? You know..because of Jackson..", the wind blows some hair into my face and I wipe it away as I look over to Tanner and keep walking to school.

As I return his tight hug I let out a relived sigh and look at Zach after he let go of me.
"Thanks. You too.", I smile before we take place at the table and look around, to see the students keep talking about Jackson.
"Even when he's gone he's still here somehow.", I sigh and shake my head before I look over to Zach and raise an eyebrow.
"How was your summer?"
The purpose of life is to be happy.


08.03.2017, 14:24

"I wish i could tell you, that you're wrong.. But i'm sure, you're right. Jackson was the heart and the soul of this school.. the leader of our team.. I'm afraid, this will be a bad season.. our best player... oh god..", i sigh.
"Let's.. Let's just try to stop thinking of it, okay? So it might be impossible.. I spend the whole summer thinking about him and why he had to die."

"Well.. i think you're right..", a quick nod.
"It's strange.. i've been on a cruise around Hawaii and when i came back, the first thing people tell me, is that Jackson was murdered. And that the police has no idea, why.. I mean.. That guy.. He's been so beloved by EVERYONE.."
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


08.03.2017, 14:30

"I know right. Wish I could have got a hold to Stella when I found out. But her mom said she wasn't in town.", I sigh and look at the school that is coming near.
"We all know that Jackson was an asshole who gave a rat's ass about anyone but being murdered like this? Not even he deserved that.", I shake my head to get the picture out of it as I spot Zach and Stella.
"Looks like were the last ones."

"Not everyone.", I whisper before I look back to Zach and start to nod.
"But you're right, police seems like they don't do anything to find his killer.", I shake my head when I spot Ava and Tanner.
"Look who's back?"
The purpose of life is to be happy.


08.03.2017, 15:05

"Hey guys..", i force a smile back on my face, as i hug Stella and greet Zach with a handshake.
"Why those sour faces? Well.. no need for explanations. I think i know what's going on. Zach has overslept..", a try not to talk about the thing, everyone wants to talk about.

"Idiot.. you're right.", i smile and hug Ava a bit longer than i should.
"You're looking great.. how was your summer?"
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


08.03.2017, 15:59

"Seriously Zachy? First day of school and you overslept?", I tease him after a tight hug and take place at the table before I look at him and smile a little bit.
"You're not so bad yourself. And my summer was great, thanks for asking. But seriously, is no one going to adress the fact that we have murderer in town?", I raise an eyebrow and can feel Stella's look on me.
"What? I'm serious."

"Very subtle, Ava. Really.", I shake my head before I wipe some hair out of my face and look at my friends.
"Since she brought the subject up, who do you think did it? I mean, we all probably have a suspect list in our heads right? Why not investigate for ourself?", I grin a little, mostly because I can not wait to tear Jackson Keyler's life apart.
He desveres at least that.
The purpose of life is to be happy.


08.03.2017, 16:04

"Like detectives? Seriously, Stella? I don't know..", i mumble and take a seat right next to her.

"Mhh.. Why not? I've got loads of time, since my parents are on a business trip again. We could meet at my place.. After school, i mean.. Leslie could make some snacks and.. Are you really serious, Stella? WE should try to solve Jackson Keylers case?"
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


08.03.2017, 16:10

"Why not? I mean, the police is not doing anything and after everything Jackson put half the girls at this girls through, it would be fun to see what else he was up to.", I shrug my shoulders and rest hands on the table while I look in the faces of my friends.

"She's got a point, though. I mean we have one thing, the police doesn't have. We habe access to the people at school.
Tanner got the team covered, Zach is a sweetheart and will get to every girl Stella and I can't get to. And for the rest. Look at us. We got this.", I smirk and raise an eyebrow as I wait for my friends to agree on Stella's idea.
The purpose of life is to be happy.


08.03.2017, 16:19

I lean back, eying up the girls.
"Well.. Ava is right. I'm in! Tanner?", i look over to him.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
"Guys.. I don't know.. My dad forces me to help him in the shop and.. he wants me to get good grades, maybe a scholarship.. I'll try me best.. but please, don't think that i could exceed all your expectations because of this..", i mumble.
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


08.03.2017, 17:29

"Consider it accepted. Good to know we have someone for back up.", I grin over to Tanner before the bell rings and we all let out a bugged sigh.
"First day of school and I am already done for the year.", I'll try to stay at the table but Stella drags me with her.
"You're the devil."

"I know, and you love my anyway.", I laugh before the four of us head inside where a memorial is build up where Jacksons locker once was.
"It's tragic...", I mumble before we enter our classroom and take place at our table.
The purpose of life is to be happy.


08.03.2017, 17:58

School takes forever.
Every teacher had to give a speak before they started their lessons, so it was nearly impossible not to think about Jackson. Finally the bell rings and we're allowed to go home.
Except Tanner, who has a basketball team meeting.

After school the whole team meets at the hall to choose a new leader.
The coach hasn't arrived, so the boys can't help, but talk about their personal suspects.
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


08.03.2017, 18:09

"Well that was fun.", I sigh sarcastically and throw my calculas book in my locker before I close it's door and lean against it, while looking at Zach and Stelle.
"So what now?"

"I have a study group but I will see what I find out. See you later.", I smile a bit and vanisch, leaving Zach and Ava alone.
I know he has a crush on her for a while now, so time alone can't be a bad thing.

"Looks like it's just the two of us. Wanna get lunch at the diner?", I look over to Zach and smile a little bit while wiping my hair out of my face.
The purpose of life is to be happy.


08.03.2017, 18:12

"Yeah.. just the two of us.. Sure. Lunch sounds perfect.", i smile at her and make my way out of the building.
"So.. What do you think? I mean.. everyone.. really everyone.. has suspect. Who's yours?"
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


08.03.2017, 18:15

"Every girl he ever screwed and dropped like a hot potato after?", I raise an eyebrow as Zach and I walk out of school and shrug my shoulders.
"Seriously, Jackson treated girls like crap. Could be anyone. Who's yours?", I smile a little and let out a sigh as we walk past another memorial for Jackson.
The purpose of life is to be happy.