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16.12.2016, 16:34

Coming Home - Old love never dies


Hier mal wieder ein neues RPG von Joyce und mir :)

Diesmal allerdings nicht auf Deutsch, sondern auf Englisch.
Verzeiht uns bitte unsere Rechtschreib- und Grammatikfehler, das hier ist unser erster Versuch etwas auf Englisch zu schreiben :D

Viel Spaß beim lesen ;)

Liebe Grüße


Hier Spielt das Ganze:

Manchester Tennessee USA

Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!


16.12.2016, 17:04

Dominic Bowker

Name: Dominic Bowker (Nic)
Alter: 27
Charakter: Nic ist durch seine Vergangenheit und seine Zeit bei der Army ein komplett anderer Mensch geworden. War er früher lebenslustig, für jeden Spaß zu haben und humorvoll, so hat er über die Zeit eine harte Schale aufgebaut. Früher perlten Beleidigungen oder Diskussionen einfach an ihm ab, aber jetzt hat er manchmal große Probleme seine Wut unter Kontrolle zu halten. Er sehnt sich nach Normaliät, aber findet sie nicht.
Informationen: Er zog mit 18 von Zuhause aus und schloss sich der Army an. Obwohl er eigentlich immer gegen Gewalt und Krieg war, entschloss er sich aufgrund seiner üblen Familiensituation dazu. Er wollte einfach nur wegkommen. Sein Onkel, der ein hohes Tier bei der Army ist, hat ihn dabei unterstützt. Er war der einzige mit dem er noch Kontakt hatte. Er ließ dabei seine Mutter, seinen Vater, einen großen Bruder und eine kleine Schwester zurück. Ebenso wie seine große Liebe.
Jetzt kehrt er zur Beerdigung seiner Mutter zurück in die Stadt.

Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!


16.12.2016, 18:29

Hannah Wilder

Name: Hannah Wilder (Han)
Alter: 27
Charakter: Hanna ist eine junge, dynamische junge Frau die sich von keinem Ereigniss mehr aus dem Konzept bringen lässt. Sie ist stets zu jedem freundlich und begegnet den Menschen immer offen und ohne Vorurteile.
Ihre kleine Tochter ist ihr ganzer Sonnenschein und gemeinsam mit ihrem Ehemann hat sie sich ein wundervolles Leben aufgebaut und würde dies mit allem was sie hat verteidigen.
Informationen: Ihre Tochter ist nicht die Tochter ihres Ehemannes, was beide auch wissen. Dennoch wahren sie nach außen das Bild einer glücklichen Familie.
Dennoch hat sie Nic nie vergessen auch wenn er ihr das Herz gebrochen hat und sie ihm sein plötzliches Verschwinden nicht verzeihen könnte, würde sie ihn wieder sehen.

The purpose of life is to be happy.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Joyce« (16.12.2016, 18:51)


16.12.2016, 18:47

All Nic can think of as he drives his old Jeep along the highway, is how much he doesn't want to go back to Manchester. His life there has been hell.
But after the recent death of his cancer suffered mother Helen, he has no choice. He owes it to her to pay her his last respect.
His dog 'Mephisto' - a german sheperd - sits in the front passenger seat and enjoys the airstream. He in opposition to his owner, looks forward to the small town in Tennessse. Since Nic lives in a tiny apartment in Chicago, where there is no real nature, the vast expanse around Manchester will be a very welcome change.
But Mephisto doesn't understand, doesn't know, what it really means to grow up in a place like that. In a small village where everyone knows everyone. Where you're not allowed to be yourself if you're not like the rest of the Town People. Where religion is the most important thing. Where there is no Democratic voter in an 100 mile radius. Where everyone who's different has to life in fear of being beaten up by some of the more extreme men (and women).
Nic hated it there. He despised everything this little, conservative town stood for. That's why he left.
And now he has to come back home. After almost 10 years.
His face darkens with every mile he get's closer. His grip on the steering wheel tightens and his jaw hardens as he grinds his teeth.
Just one week.
One week and this nightmare will be over.
Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!


16.12.2016, 18:59

"Claire, honey, would you please put away your book and eat your breakfast? We're running late for school.", Hannah looks at her blonde, curly haired girl at the table and can't help it but smile.
Even though they are already late and Bob is gonna be pissed about it, she enjoys seeing her daughter tied up in something that she loves.
Sometimes she wonders what would have happend to her, if Nic would have stucked around.
If he wouldn't have left her, pregnant and seventeen just to join the army and never come back again.
"Claire.", she says more urgent that time and the little girl lets out a small sigh before closing the book and hopping of the chair.
"Okay Momma, lets go to school.", she comes running and wraps her arms around her before leaving the house with her, her little hand holding on to yours.
"When is daddy coming home?", she asks on the way to the car and Hannsh sighs before lifting her up and placing her in the car seat of her car.
"Daddys coming home next week Baby. He still has to work in another town.", she gives her daughter a warm smile before closing the back door and taking her place on the drivers seat.
Truth is, it is hard for Hannah when Markus isn't around to help her with the kid.
And the fact that Helen died a few days ago makes it even more hard because when everyone turned against Hannah ten years ago, Helen supported her because it was her grand-daughter Hannah was carrying.
And now she is just gone, taken by the cancer she has been suffering from for a long time.
But she never gave up. Helen fought like a warrior because she knew that she still had a lot of things to do in this town but cancer gives a shit about plans.
So she died. And it almost killed Hannah.
But she had to be strong. For Claire. She had to explain to her while grandma Helen isn't around anymore to bake cookies or to play with her dolls.
It took Claire almost two days to understand and to process the fact that Helen died and Hannah tried her best to comfort her.
Damn, she is ten years old. She shouldn't ne confronted with death so early in her life.
But it is what it is now and Hannah is trying her best to keep things together until Markus comes home and she finally has time to cry because she hasn't done that once since that day.
She had to be strong. She had to.
The purpose of life is to be happy.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Joyce« (17.12.2016, 12:50)


16.12.2016, 19:25

A few miles later, he reaches the exit he has to take and looks at the sign telling him, that he's only 3 miles away from Manchester. He feels like he is going to be sick, but suppresses it. He has to be strong now. Don't let them see how much it hurts him to be back. Especially his dad. His drunken idiot of a father. Why this old little creep outlived his mother - who always took good care of her health - is a riddle. Since all his father ever did was work, drink and beat up his family. He used to smoke too, but gave it up for Helen after she caught him cheating. His mother was a warm and kind-hearted woman. Leaving her was hard.
What was even harder than that, was leaving his girlfriend Hannah. They had been together since the first time they saw each other. They even had their future planned together. And then everything got worse and worse until he couldn't take it anymore. He left without a glance back, even though he knew he hurt her by doing so. Even though it hurt HIM.
After a few minutes he reaches the well-known sign that says: 'Welcome to Manchester, Tennessee'. When they were little, he and his brother stole the gun from their dad and used it to train their aim by shooting at the sign on the road. The holes are still visible. of course, when their father found out, he beat them up pretty good. They even had to go to the hospital. They never took the gun again.
He peeks at it, then quickly looks away, because it is a reminder of all the nights his father came home drunk...
As he enters the small city, all these memories start to come back to him. Everything he hadn't allowed himself to think about for almost ten years. The old bar, where he used to play billiard with Hannah and his big brother and his little sister. The school where he got top grates in politics, english and literature, but failed in maths and physics. The old football field... He closes his eyes for a second and takes a deep breath. 'I can do this! Hell I've been to war! I'm not going to chicken out now!' He tells himself and forces himself to turn left into the street where he grew up. He can see his house with the american flag in the garden coming nearer. He slows down, wishes he could stop time right now.
Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!


16.12.2016, 19:33

After she dropped Claire off at pre-school and had a quick chat with her teacher about her cleverness she is heading to her job in the little diner, where she helps out the owner -Bob- while he takes care of his health problem.
Normally she worked a full time care on Helen but since she died she needed a new job because she has a daughter to feed.
So it was just sad luck when Bob got pneumonia and asked her to fill in for a few weeks.
"Good morning guys.", she enters the room with a warm smile and heads directly to the changing room where she hangs up her back and then comes back out to fill up the coffee mugs of the truck drivers, who used to stop here on their way.
At first it was hard for her to adjust to the mocking and the looks they gave her but she got used to it really quick.
"Looking good today Han.", she hears a familiar voice and almost drops the coffee before turning around and looking in her handsome husbands face.
Why is he here? He wasn't supposed to come back until monday. She thought he couldn't make it to the funeral.
"Markus.", she finally breathes out and starst smiling before running right into his arms and to bury her face at his shoulder while he pulls she closer to his chest.
"I thought you weren't coming home until next week.", she whispers happily and softly lets go of him before kissing him.
"I know but I arranged it. Couldn't let you handle Claire and the funeral on your on.", he whispers too and Hannah feels like she was about to cry.
How did she get so lucky with a man who took a child that isn't his and decided to marry a woman as broken as she was at that time.
"So I guess my daughter is at school?", he looks at Hannah and she lets out a relieved sigh before nodding and showing him a place at the bar to sit.
While she pours in some coffee in his mug she starts to tell him all about the past days and how Claire has been holding up since she told her about Helen.
Markus listens carefully, giggling here and there when he learns about Claires stubborness.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here.", he then grabs her hand and holds it tight while Hannah tries to hold back the tears.
She doesn't want to cry, not infront of everyone.
"You had to work, it's finde.", she smiles before whiping away a tear and keeps working her shift.
How happy she is to have her husband back. She had no idea how much she missed him until he came back.
And she is not letting go of him for a long time now.
The purpose of life is to be happy.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Joyce« (17.12.2016, 12:58)


16.12.2016, 21:45

But of course time doesn't slow down. He parks his Jeep on the side of the street and just sits there, staring at the house. His 'home'. It never actually felt like one. The little house at the end of the street. There's nothing but fields and forests for about 4 miles behind the house. As kids, he and his brother and sister pretended like this was their kingdom and the tree house, they built in a large fir not to far away from the backyard was their castle. They ruled all the creatures they invented, that 'lived' there in the depths of the forest. Dwarfs, and little elves and fairies. Gnomes, trolls and dragons.
For the first time in days, he actually smiles. These were happier times. This was the part of his childhood, he actually liked to remember. It feels so normal.
But his smile soon fades away. Reality sets in and he remembers, that this was a long, long time ago. That everything changed since then.
He takes a few deep breaths, to calm himself down a little, before he opens the door and steps out of his Jeep. Mephisto follows him with an elegant jump and barks happily at him. He really seems to enjoy being here. Nic sighs and closes the door to lock the car, when he remembers, that he's no longer in Chicago, where an open car equals a stolen one. Here in Manchester, no one steals anything. Maybe a few rebellious teenagers snitch a few liquor bottles from the town liquor-shop, when no one is looking, but that's it.
he tucks away his keys and whistles once. Mephisto immediately runs to his side and looks at him with curios eyes.
"Let's go then." Nic says and together with his dog, he walks towards the front porch.
Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!


16.12.2016, 22:01

At noon you decide to bring Helens family some lunch because as far as she's concerned they weren't able to go out and buy food in the past couple of days.
But who could blame them? They've just lost their mother/wife, Hannah could only imagine what that must feel like considering her mom is still healthy and living a happy life in Europe with some french guy named Mathieu.
"Hey Luke? I'm at Helens for an hour or so, you good here?", she looks at the other help, Luke, and he nods before giving her a warm smile to make her leave.
Hannah smiles back at him before picking up the lasagna and her back and leaves the diner to go to her car.
She could walk but she's really not in the mood for walking through half of the town with fresh lasagna in her hands, so she takes the car to get to the old house.
She could never forget the way to it. She has spend her whole teenage years in this neighborhood, playing around with Nic and his sbilings before the two fell in love.
When she approaches the street she sees an old Jeep parking in front of the house and parks her car up behind it.
'Maybe a neighbor' she thinks and takes the lasagna to take the steps to the porch before entering the house.
Ever since Helen took her in 10 years ago she has a key and no one made and attemp to take it from you.
The purpose of life is to be happy.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Joyce« (17.12.2016, 13:05)


16.12.2016, 22:28

As he reaches the door, he is on the brink of losing it. He just wants to be anywhere else. But again, he forces himself to remain calm and after taking another deep breath, he knocks. After a few moments he can hear footsteps coming nearer. And then, the door opens and he looks into the face of a beautiful young woman. "Rebecca?" He can't believe his eyes. Can this really be his chubby little sister? This woman in front of him merely resembles the picture of the sister he remembers. Her blonde hair is short and her once so kind looking face is now cold. When he left, she was only 13 years old. And she was chubby. Now she is thin and sporty. She could easily be a model. "Dominic." Even her voice sounds different. She doesn't smile, she doesn't hug me or gives any sign, that she is happy to see me. I can see why she wouldn't. When I left, she had problems. She was depressed and she tried to kill herself more than once. I was one of the few people who could cheer her up when she was down in what she called her 'black tunnel'. She wrote to me, called me a hundred times. I never answered. After a few years, she stopped trying to get in touch with me.
"We weren't sure weather you'd show up." she adds and after examining me for a second, she steps aside, to allow me to come in. I'm still shocked by her appearance, that I don't say anything, but step over the threshold. She closes the door behind her and greets Mephisto, who seems to like her. "What's his name?" she asks without looking at me. "Mephisto." My voice sounds funny. I clear my throat. There are so many things I want to say to my little sister, but I know, that nothing would change anything. I left her. She hates me for it.
After getting rid of my shoes an my jacket, I follow her into the living room. There are 3 people sitting at a round table, drinking coffee. My uncle, Jerry, the only person I know. A handsome looking, young man who must be my big brother Chris, and... my father. I thought I was prepared for this. Prepared to meet him. But now I know, I was wrong. "Look who showed up." At Rebeccas words all three heads turn. The look on my fathers face as he recognizes me... I shouldn't have come. I know that now. Because nothing could have prepared me for the hatred I see in his eyes. He doesn't say anything. He just stares at me with his little black eyes, like I'm a bug, like I'm something disgusting. I quickly look away and find my brothers eyes. He looks surprised, maybe a little angry, but he at last, seems to be happy, that I came. "Nic." he stands up and walks towards me. "Nice of you to show up." he grins and shakes my head. "You look nice." I say. He laughs. "You look like shit." Now I also have to grin broadly. He's exactly like I remember him. Older, of course. But his humor is still the same. "No wonder he looks like shit.." Uncle Jerry joins our little reunion and shakes my hand. "He's been to war, you know. Seen it all." he grins his typical Jerry-grin and pats me on the back. "Good soldier, this one. Can't complain. And where is my favorite fleabag?" He searches to room for Mephisto and then goes of to greet him too. I'm left there with my brother and the ever lasting, hateful look of my father. I clear my throat awkwardly, before walking up to him. "Hi Mr. Bowker." I never called him father, because he never was one to me. He looks at my outstretched hand and then back at me, without taking it. Then, he stands up and leaves the room without another word. Rebecca sighs and shakes her head. I try not to be too hurt by this. I never had a great relationship with my father, but this..? No one seems to know what to say. But before the awkward silence is broken by any of us, the front door opens and a familiar, female voice Calls the names of my family.
Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!


16.12.2016, 22:43

"Guys, I brought lunch!", she yells out after entering the house and takes the lasagna to the kitchen.
Pleased she sees that someone has cleaned up and that the kitchen isn't a giant mess. Yet.
She places the lasagna in the refrigerator and makes a quick stop at the restroom before going back into the kitchen and taking a glass out of the cupboard before she fills it with some water and makes her way to the living room.
Different voices are talking and she can spot out the voices from Rebecca, Chris, their dad and Jerry but there is another voice she can't quite figure out yet.
Just as she enters the room Helens husband runs past her and she stops for a second to give him a confused look before finally heading into the living room and looking at a back she is way to familiar with.
Even though she hasn't seen him for ten years and he's way more ripped now then he was back then she still knows who stand in this room and whose voice she couldn't figure out until now.
"Nic?", she almost drops her glass of water and feels like she is about to black out.
This can't be happening. This can't be real.
The purpose of life is to be happy.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Joyce« (17.12.2016, 13:12)


16.12.2016, 22:53

He knows whose voice that his. Even though he hasn't heard it in almost ten years. He would always know that voice. He freezes right where he stands and doesn't know what to do. He never thought he'd see her here. He'd thought she'd have left the town. She never liked it here either. They always dreamed about escaping this small town life together to travel the globe. And now she is here. In his old house. "Nic?" it's that tone in her voice that makes him turn around. this old familiar little shocked tone. "Han?" his voice isn't as steady as he'd like it to be. Rebecca and Chris share a look behind his back, but he doesn't notice it. All he sees is her. How beautiful she is. Even more beautiful, than his memory of her. "You... you look amazing." is the first thing he is able to say after processing the first shock.
Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!


16.12.2016, 23:05

It's really him. Nic.
The first love of her life.
Claires biological father.
The guy who broke her heart and ran away when she needed him the most.
For a minute she just stands there as he turns around and looks at her with this look in his eyes that makes her knees weak, even though she doesn't want it to.
"You look amazing.", are his first words after ten years and all she can think about is how badly she's hurting right know because she never really healed.
She just burried that pain deep inside of her when Markus came along.
"Well, you look like shit.", is the only response she has for him before she needs to take a seat and takes place on the old couch next to her.
"What...what are you doing here?", she places the glass on the table and pulls her hair back to look at him and to figure out what he wants.
He wasn't there when she got thick, why is he here for Helens funeral?
The purpose of life is to be happy.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Joyce« (17.12.2016, 13:25)


18.12.2016, 13:42

Before I have the chance to answer to Hannah, Chris places a hand on my shoulder and I turn to look at him. "We'll give you guys a minute." he smiles at Hannah with a reassuring smile that's clearly meant to calm her down, because for some reason she really seems upset abut my appearance. Well... I think I know the reason. It's the same reason that's making me totally brain-dead. Chris walks towards the kitchen door, where he looks at Rebecca, waiting for her to join him. Rebecca looks at Hannah then at me and back at Hannah. After a moment of silence she shakes her head and follows Chris into the kitchen. I follow them with my eyes, just to have a minute to brace myself for what is going to come next. Then, I slowly turn my head towards Hannah, but fail to look her straight in the eyes. I feel rather uncomfortable. After all I broke her heart. I haven't talked to her in nine years. "I..." my voice makes that weird thing, where it almost breaks, even though I want it to sound as though this hole situation isn't affecting me at all. I clear my throat once more and take a deep breath. "I wanted to pay my mother my last respects. I feel like I owe it to her. You... you are still here...?" I make it sound like a question even though it is more like stating a fact that is surprising. "I mean... I'm pleased to see you... I just never figured you'd..." I stop dead in mid-sentence, because I realize how insensitive it must sound to her that I say these things, since I was the one she wanted to escape this town with.
Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!


18.12.2016, 13:58

Hannah look after Chris and Rebecca when they leave the room and takes a deep breath.
This is not what she expected when she showed up with lunch and this is like hell not what she expected from them.
Leaving them alone in a room she knows all to well with a guy she knows better than anyone else in this word, even better than her husband.
But when he starts talking and starts to upbraid her about still living in this town she gives him a warning look before she rakes her fingers through her hair and getting up from the couch again.
"You never figuerd I'd still be here.", she answers his question while taking a slow walk through the living room.
She's mad at him, so mad but she just can't yell at him or give him the furious manner because a part of her is so happy to see him alive.
"I wanted to get out of here Nic, so badly. But after you left it just seemed weird leaving without you and since Helen wouldn't let me leave I stayed here and made a decent life.", she shrugs her shouders before turning around to him and to look him straight in the eyes.
"It's nice for you to come to the funeral but you should have been here when things were bad, Nic. You should have been her for her and for your siblings. You should have been hee.."
The purpose of life is to be happy.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Joyce« (18.12.2016, 14:41)


18.12.2016, 14:49

Sorry, ich vergess die ganze Zeit in der He/She Perspektive zu schreiben :/

He can see her anger which she hides so well, but he knows her and he had always been able to read her like an open book. He's confused about the intensity of this anger inside of her. It's mixed with something else. Hurt. She's hurt. This hole thing adds to the already huge pile of guilt he felt ever since he crossed the border to Manchester. He never should have come back. But even though this guilt eats him away, he is more than happy to see her. Because some part of him still loves her. At least the idea of her. He couldn't forget her. When shit was worst in war, it was her he thought about. And the picture of her in his mind gave him courage when nothing else could. Of course there had been other women in these past nine years, but he never felt the way he did with her. She was his first and only real love. And now she looks at him with this accusing sort of look...
"I know." he says quietly and forces himself to look into her eyes. He owes it to her, to explain, why he never came. But somehow, the words get lost on the way out and instead he just says: "I couldn't. I couldn't leave. It was during the worst time in war. They needed me." It's a scarce excuse and he knows that, but it just doesn't feel like the right time nor like the right place to talk about all this painful stuff of the past. "You.. you're married?" he adds, after examining her right hand and discovering a shiny ring.
Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!


18.12.2016, 14:56

Schreib wie du magst und es für dich am einfachsten ist :) <3

"There were people here who needed you too.", Hannah snaps at him, knowing that it's unfair to compare war and family.
He served their country, he went to the worst places and probably saw the worst things and she is proud of him even though she doesn't show it.
She's proud he became the men she wanted him to be but she's mad at him for the same reason.
Because he left her and never came back. And that's the part of the story that hurts you.
But when he looks at her right hand and discovers her wedding ring she immediatly hides her hand in the left one and looks him directly in the eyes.
"I am. His name is Markus. We're had our 7 year anniversary last week.", you smile on the thought of him before shaking her head and to keep going on to look Nic in the eyes.
You try to make up your mind about the revelation.
How he feels about it.
"So...uhm...how long are you staying?"
The purpose of life is to be happy.


18.12.2016, 15:03

You try to hide how much this bothers you. Markus... His name is Markus. His brain starts working real hard as he tries to remember someone by the name of Markus. He wants to know who that guy is. He knows, that he has no right to be jealous, but he can't help it. He dislikes this guy, even though he hasn't met him yet. What bothers him even more is the way she smiles, while she talks about him. That was the same way, she used to smile about him... But of course it's not fair at all, to compare. Since it's his fault she now loves someone else, and not hers.
He tries to suppress this anger flaring up in him. It's no use. It shows in his face, he knows that. Since she can read him like he can read her, she must know what's going on inside of him. To distract himself from the pain and anger, he answers her question. "A week or so. Helen wanted all her kids under the same roof for one week after her funeral. She wrote about it in her testament."
Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!


18.12.2016, 15:09

"I know. I was with her when she wrote it down. I just didn't expect you to come.", she still looks at him while she gets a strange feeling in her stomach.
She doesn't quite know where it comes from but it seems like somewhere deep inside she really enjoys Nic being jealous.
Reading on his face how much it bothers him and how mad he is at himself for leaving you.
She calms herself down and suddenly remembers something he doesn't know about.
Claire. His daughter.
She has no idea if someone told him because his family knows about her.
"So..", she rips her eyes of his face and walk back to the couch to pick up the glass of water from the table.
"I guess I see you around?"
Now is not the time to tell him about Claire.
Maybe it's never the time because he will run off again after one week and she doesn't sees the need of confusing Claire.
The purpose of life is to be happy.


18.12.2016, 15:17

He follows her with his eyes and the anger's still bottled up inside of him, but he ignores it. He doesn't want her to go. He wants to know everything that happened in these past nine years. He wants to know what person she became. He wants to get to know her again. But he also knows, that she won't let that happen. She hates him for what he did, the same way, he hates himself for it, too. "I.. I guess so." he just says, even though he wants to say something else. "I.. I should go and say hello to the rest of my family." his voice is not very convincing, because he'd literally rather die than talk to his relatives, but he needs an excuse to leave, even though he doesn't want to. This hole thing is way too complicated and painful for his taste. He needs some time to breath. "It was nice, seeing you again." he smiles kind of sheepish and with a last glance at her, he leaves the room. Jerry and Mephisto are out in the hallway, and Nic can see by the way his uncle looks at him, that he knows exactly what is going on. But he spares Nic, by not saying something. He juts grins and nods. "See you later." Nic says and whistles for Mephisto to follow him outside.
Offene Arme der gewaltigste Protest den wir haben, will sagen: Bevor noch jemand hinfällt, passt bitte aufeinander auf in dieser scheiß Welt!