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27.04.2023, 17:09

Choosing between YouTube and streaming comes down to personal preference and needs.

YouTube is a popular platform for sharing and watching videos. It offers a massive library of content ranging from music, comedy, tutorials, and more. YouTube also lets you upload your own videos and monetize them if you meet certain criteria. In addition, YouTube offers a community aspect with comment sections, channels and the ability to subscribe to your favorite artists.

Streaming, on the other hand, usually refers to live content, such as B. Live sports events, music concerts or game streams. Streaming platforms like Twitch and Netflix have gained popularity in recent years because of their ability to offer viewers quality content on demand.

Ultimately, the decision between YouTube and streaming comes down to what type of content you enjoy watching and your viewing habits. If you enjoy a wide variety of videos and want the ability to upload and share your own content, YouTube is probably a better choice. If you prefer live content or on-demand shows and movies, streaming platforms like Netflix or Twitch might be a better choice.

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